Our amazing team of providers, advocates and consumers are committed to helping support and enhance the growth of the NYS WIC Program. We take our passion, our drive and work towards building connections and support with our community.
The WIC Association of New York State, Inc. is the leading organization supporting and enhancing the services of the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program and its direction for the future.
The WIC Association of New York State will increase its visibility through active engagement and collaboration with stakeholders and communities.
The WIC Association of NYS Board of Directors worked with the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) to guide a strategic planning meeting October 17-19th to review the Association's mission and vision and to develop a workplan to achieve goals over the next three years.
General Information: Each committee shall be chaired by a member of the Board of Directors, who is responsible for coordinating committee activities and reporting to the Board of Directors. The Board Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the committee. Two exceptions are Executive and Finance Committees whose general information is noted.
Nutrition and Breastfeeding Committee
Main Responsibilities:
1. Support the nutrition and breastfeeding services of the NYS WIC Program 2. Provide input into Nutrition and Breastfeeding policies and procedures
3. Identify, develop and make available nutrition and breastfeeding education materials to membership
Conference Committee
Main Responsibilities:
1. Plan, organize and implement the annual conference
2. Evaluate conference outcomes, share with Board and provide recommendations for future conferences
Legislative/Public Policy Committee
Main Responsibilities:
1. Promote public awareness of new and existing federal and state legislation involving health and nutrition and plan and support legislative education, political action
2. Review state and federal legislation and guidelines that affect the WIC Program and develop position papers for Board approval
Consumer and Vendor Committee
Main Responsibilities:
1. Promote the rights and responsibilities of the WIC consumer
2. Actively facilitate a positive relationship between local WIC agencies and consumers and vendors to ensure maximum participation and the successful pursuit of the WIC Association’s mission to improve health for participants
Board Development Committee
Main Responsibilities:
1. Provide direction and structure for Board process to ensure effective implementation of Board priorities
2. Review and update Board manual annually, with insertions throughout the year, and provide Board training
3. Develop Board policies and present to Board for review and approval
Finance and Fund Development Committee
General Information: Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer of the board of directors, who is responsible for coordinating committee activities and reporting to the board of directors. The board Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of the committee.
Main Responsibilities:
1. Prepare and monitor the annual budget for the fiscal year
2. Review all contracts and Board expenditures
3. Secure an independent consultant to conduct an annual audit
4. Provide an outside accounting agency with the appropriate information in order to complete a corporate tax return (990) for the end of each fiscal year
5. Develop mechanism to involve the Board in fund raising activities
Executive Committee
General Information: The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
Main Responsibilities:
1. Oversee and manage the Board of Directors to ensure the mission of the WIC Association of NYS is pursued
2. Make emergency executive decision on behalf of the Board of Directors and report them to the full Board at the next meeting or sooner if deemed necessary
3. Assess the skills needed by the Board of Directors for an effective Board
Membership Committee (ad hoc)
Main Responsibilities:
1. Review current practice and define membership categories and associated membership benefits
2. Develop and implement a recruitment plan for non-board members to join committees 3. Coordinate efforts with Marketing and Communication Committee to improve and effectively communicate with membership base
Marketing and Communication Committee (ad hoc)
Main Responsibilities:
1. Collect and review all current materials that pertain to the WIC Association and the NYS WIC Program. Recommend the use of above or the development of new culturally sensitive materials to support the mission of the WIC Program
2. Oversee communications including the improvement of the Association Website, communication to Local Agencies, communication to the public, development and publication, including the determination of person to write, create and edit an Association Newsletter and determine methods of distribution
3. Develop linkage between the WIC Association Website and other meaningful resources 4. Coordinate work with Membership Committee to improve and effectively communicate with membership base
Bylaws and Nominating Committee (ad hoc)
Main Responsibilities:
1. Gather and review the credentials of nominations for open Board and Statewide positions 2. Prepare a ballot from the returned Board of Directors nomination forms and distribute to board members for voting at the next face-to-face full Board meeting
3. Prepare bylaw changes, as necessary, for vote at annual membership meeting
WIC Association of NYS, Inc
1971 Western Ave. #1155 Albany, NY 12203US
Copyright © 2020 WIC Association of NYS, Inc - All Rights Reserved.
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The WIC Association of New York State, Inc. is the leading organization supporting and enhancing the services of the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program and its direction for the future.